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Prophetic Word: FEAR NOT! Stand still and see my salvation

FEAR NOT! Stand still and see my salvation

I hear the Spirit of the Lord saying “Fear Not when you encounter these great obstacles or disruption! Stand still even when it seems to be no way out to the natural eyes.

Trust Me!

I will deliver you!”

Exodus 14:13
And Moses said unto the people, Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which he will shew to you to day: for the Egyptians whom ye have seen today, ye shall see them again no more for ever.

I decree and declare that you have  supernatural strength to stand still and to trust in the WORD of the LORD, when it seems there is no way out.  I prophesy you have faith, that WILL bring you out,  In Jesus Name, Amen


Chauncy Montgomery is an Ordained Deaconess and Confirmed Prophet (Ordained/Confirmed by The Late Apostle Nina B Lee) at Prayer Mountain International Church in Ailey, Ga. under the current Leadership of Pastor Ronnie McLemore.

Chauncy is also a currently a PIT (Prophet in...

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April 14, 2022 - Prophetic Word: God Says: REBUILD MY BRAND OF Love and Grace

Prophetic Word for this season, God says:

I am abruptly opening the spiritual eyes of the church and urgently calling the Saints to rebuild my Brand of LOVE and GRACE. I am being misrepresented by my chosen who continue to choose to look and act like the world.

You are out of place, out of order, and not in alignment with me. I am calling my people to be my example and represent me with honor, purity, and truth. I am calling my saints to distribute and display yet another level and layer of my heart, my love, and my compassion towards others.

Do not be so quick to judge and condemn. For no one is qualified to cast the first stone. Examine your heart. No one is good. There are no levels of sin. Sin is sin. For all have sinned and come short of my glory, being justified freely by my grace through the redemption of Christ Jesus.

I am reminding my people to go back to your first love. Love others with the GRACE I have given. I am getting ready to pour out a new level of signs,...

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It's time to pitch your tents in new spiritual regions and spaces. No more wondering around waiting to get what has been promised.

*Come out of dry places,
*Come out of unfruitful cycles,
*Come out of rebellion, and
*Come out of agreement with old belief systems.

As you leave the wilderness, you will hear me in a different manner. So, desire to hear My voice louder, says the Lord.

*I AM increasing the volume,
*I AM pushing My frequency,
*I AM positioning things to be in your reach,
*I AM creating a pathway for you, and
*I AM with you, says The Lord.

Be ready to pitch your tent in My CAMP, says The Lord.

Jesus pitched His tent and dwelt among us, so we would have access to The Father. (John 1:14) God wants us to pitch our tents in places where others will have access to Him. These regions and spaces are not intended to be permanent, but they are temporary and mobile. When your work is finished in one region/space, be ready (on The Father's command) to move to...

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April 12, 2022 - Not only am I Restoring, but I am Restocking

Not only am I Restoring, but I am Restocking!

Some things were in your storehouse and were used as needed for your benefit in the last season. It wasn’t stolen, it wasn’t wasted, it was used by you for its intended purpose. Today, I am breathing on your storehouses again and I am restocking, says the Spirit of God. I am fitting you with a NEW supply and REPLENISHING what was used. Even ideas that seem dusty and on the shelf, I am REPURPOSING and REPOSITIONING them like NEW.

Additionally, like the stores restock the shelves with new merchandise, I am RESTOCKING you with NEW ideas, NEW strategies, NEW deposits, NEW contracts, NEW investors, investments and inventions, NEW patrons/customers, NEW territories, NEW products and offers, so that your storehouse will be refilled and overflowed. These things will be REGENERATING and cause income and results that are RECURRING so that one effort will produce the RESIDUAL.


I declare that there is a RESTOCKING in my life and...

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April 11, 2022 - Prophetic Word: God says: I'M HERE TO GIVE YOU HOPE TO COPE!!



HOPE - a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.



Any time you are going through a TRAUMATIC TRANSITION -  you've GOT to come to a PLACE of HOPE in order to DIG YOURSELF OUT OF YOUR HOPELESS NESS.




1 PETER 5:10

10 And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast.



Apostle Dwann Holmes

Founder: The Global Institute of Church & Marketplace...

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Should "Full-time" Ministry Be Your Goal As A Prophetic Voice?

Many times “prophetic ministers of the gospel” limit themselves by how they label themselves.

If your ultimate goal is “full-time” ministry, you may never reach the fullness of the capacity God has inside of you.

Unfortunately when most think and talk of “full-time” ministry, you are talking of a job inside the 4 walls of the church.

But what if God wants to bless you with your own, so that you can have the flexibility to go and come as He pleases? Is that NOT full-time ministry or are you limiting your ultimate success to being STAFF at a traditional church?

What if God sends you to a national NON-PROFIT so that you can be HIs PROPHETIC VOICE there?

Is that NOT “full-time” ministry?

Or are we so engulfed with what church society calls success in ministry that we neglect to recognize when God is already using us FULL-TIME "doing ministry" for His purpose, plan and destiny.

According to The average salaried Pastor in...

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April 10, 2022: Prophetic Word: Open Your Eyes!

God says: "Open your spiritual and natural eyes.  Open your ears as well."
Things are not as they seem. Things are quickly changing and shifting as the days speed up.We must guard our eye and ear gates and keep them pure before God.
Watch as well as pray meaning be on guard to protect the gates as we listen to instructions from the throne room. We must keep ourselves open tho the flow of God.
Go deeper in prayer ,consecration and in seeking Gods presence. So that we are able to see beyond what’s before us and give instructions as to how to maneuver through these season and times.
We must come to a place in the spirit realm where we are able to readily tap in or access   the supernatural in all things : health , wealth, and provision. We must strive to make this a way of life and a life style.

Is a prophet, teacher, seer, prophetic psalmist and minstrel. 

Founder of ARTZ (Apostolic Resource Training Zone) Global...

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37 Prophetic Teachings for $47 is back for 48 HOURS!!

Hey there Prophetic Learner,

It’s Apostle Dwann from GICMP.

Just in case you don’t know, I’m the FOUNDER of The Global Institute of Church & Marketplace Prophets. (Check out the backstory below)

I’m a TV JOURNALIST by Trade but I launched GICMP back in 2010 to help prophetic voices looking for a safe place to understand and exercise their supernatural gifts.

NOW GICMP is known for its TOP NOTCH educational and training experiences that set STANDARDS in this digital world.

I actually founded the FIRST FAITH-BASED PROPHETIC APOSTOLIC virtual-conference back in 2013 and the first Teleseminar back in 2008.

Sooooo, that’s why we have HUNDREDS of digital ON-DEMAND COURSES.

Annnnnd, that’s why I’m able to offer you 37 prophetic teachings for just $47 for this FLASH SALE, originally offered on CYBER MONDAY!

But that’s NOT all!!!

I’m actually giving you access to that VIRTUAL PROPHETIC CONFERENCE AS WELL...

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April 9, 2022 : God says: This Hold-up Is Me!

Uncategorized Apr 09, 2022
IN this season, know I'm holding some things up in your life and slowing some things down in your life, so you grasp what I require when I say: TO WHOM MUCH IS GIVEN MUCH IS REQUIRED.
Yes, I require more of you. Yes I require more!
Luke 12: 48-49

48 But he who did not know and did things worthy of a beating shall be beaten with few [lashes]. For everyone to whom much is given, of him shall much be required; and of him to whom men entrust much, they will require and demand all the more.

49 I have come to cast fire upon the earth, and how I wish that it were already kindled!


Apostle Dwann Holmes

Founder: The Global Institute of Church & Marketplace Prophets

37 Prophetic Teachings for $47

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April 8, 2022: Prophetic Word: Stop trying. Start BELIEVING: Kurshin Joseph

Uncategorized Apr 08, 2022
Choose to BE IT and you shall LIVE IT. BELIEVE sons of God!!! Renew your mind according to the mind of Christ! Believe that as He is so are you right now in this world. 
Start where He finished...RESURRECTED IN Him and reject all lies and feelings. We are not feelers...we are believers!... You have been healed. You have been delivered. 
Take EVERY thought captive to the obedience of Christ.
You have been made whole you are already perfect. Don't ever go around saying no body is perfect. Stop lying! Jesus made us perfect! 
Otherwise Christ died for nothing! 
Christ in me the Hope of Glory!!! Let's go kick some devil's butts! He already allowed us to do it....DESTROY HELL!  You have the authority and backing of Almighty God. 
The only reason God left the demons on the earth was to watch His children dominate them! Yet we have been getting pushed around by them things cos we didn't have the knowledge of who we are...
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