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April 20, 2022 - The Lord Says: Keep Your Gift Sharp!

There is nothing worse than not being able to operate at the level we are called to. The Lord says, 'Keep Your Gift Sharp. Begin to practice what you have been afraid to do! The reason for your fear is the oppressor. Fear is a paralyzer of faith, BUT Faith is the destroyer of fear. Rise up and use the anointing inside when every opportunity presents itself.'

The sharper our gifts become, the easier we can flow in them. The easier we flow, the higher we can go. Step out on faith and walk in the fullness of the gifting of God with holiness in us.

When I call you, says The Lord, 'you will go with My Force and My Word.

You will plow through the trenches of trouble and the ways of men. You will see Me around every corner, for I will be your buckler and shield and protector. STRENGTHEN YOUR HEARTS AND FOCUS ON ME. I AM The Way, The Truth, and The Life. You are My messengers to the world and as you lift Me, I will draw souls by the love I have demonstrated towards you. I AM near and never...

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It's time to pitch your tents in new spiritual regions and spaces. No more wondering around waiting to get what has been promised.

*Come out of dry places,
*Come out of unfruitful cycles,
*Come out of rebellion, and
*Come out of agreement with old belief systems.

As you leave the wilderness, you will hear me in a different manner. So, desire to hear My voice louder, says the Lord.

*I AM increasing the volume,
*I AM pushing My frequency,
*I AM positioning things to be in your reach,
*I AM creating a pathway for you, and
*I AM with you, says The Lord.

Be ready to pitch your tent in My CAMP, says The Lord.

Jesus pitched His tent and dwelt among us, so we would have access to The Father. (John 1:14) God wants us to pitch our tents in places where others will have access to Him. These regions and spaces are not intended to be permanent, but they are temporary and mobile. When your work is finished in one region/space, be ready (on The Father's command) to move to...

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April 6, 2022 Prophetic Word: God Says: BE A GLOBAL WATCHMAN!

God is not just working in our backyards; He is moving across the globe.  So, we must be global minded going forward.  Now is the time to see beyond borders, because what affects one affects another.  God has allowed us access to see and hear what's happening globally for a purpose and not by happenstance.  Social media and the Web are tools to be used as a visual portal (we can see what's happening all over the world) and an access portal (we can interact with others all over the world).  As we think globally and take advantage of these access points, The Lord wants us to pay attention to 1) nature, 2) government, and 3) industry (in this order).  
First, pay attention to nature, because it is what God created to sustain our habitation.  Look for the groaning signs of nature calling mankind to get in order.  We will see greater irregularity in the...
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April 2, 2022 - Prophetic Word : You Will Not Be Defeated: Deal With Your Fears

In this season, The Lord is saying...'DEAL WITH YOUR FEARS.'
When angels appeared to deliver a message from God, they said, 'Fear Not.' Following the angels' "Fear Not," God's was able to do something extraordinary. The Lord wants us to bury, annihilate, and suffocate our fears.  
Fear is the unauthorized intruder that attempts to paralyze the work of our assignment.  
Fear interferes with God's plan for our lives and tries to sabotage Kingdom expansion.  The Lord says, there will be some unusual or supernatural things appearing and happening, but when you see it, FEAR NOT!   Fear not, because you must be able to stomach foul situations.  Fear not, because you must have the stamina to stomp out the works of the devil.  Fear not, because you must be strong enough to sever the tentacles of deception. When fear is under control, faith will be in control.  
Have faith to maneuver in God's economy,...
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