It's time to pitch your tents in new spiritual regions and spaces. No more wondering around waiting to get what has been promised.
*Come out of dry places,
*Come out of unfruitful cycles,
*Come out of rebellion, and
*Come out of agreement with old belief systems.
As you leave the wilderness, you will hear me in a different manner. So, desire to hear My voice louder, says the Lord.
*I AM increasing the volume,
*I AM pushing My frequency,
*I AM positioning things to be in your reach,
*I AM creating a pathway for you, and
*I AM with you, says The Lord.
Be ready to pitch your tent in My CAMP, says The Lord.
Jesus pitched His tent and dwelt among us, so we would have access to The Father. (John 1:14) God wants us to pitch our tents in places where others will have access to Him. These regions and spaces are not intended to be permanent, but they are temporary and mobile. When your work is finished in one region/space, be ready (on The Father's command) to move to...
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