If you’re in Jacksonville meet us Sunday night at 10pm
Need a prophetic word for your new year?
Join #gpljax as we bring in the new year at GREATER WORKS with GICMP Apostles John Ernestine Lawson
Dear Valued Members and Future Prophetic Leaders,
As the season of gratitude and joy approaches, the Global Institute of Church and Marketplace Prophets (GICMP) is thrilled to announce our exclusive Black Friday specials for 2023! We are dedicated to equipping individuals with the knowledge and skills to thrive in both the spiritual and marketplace realms, and this Black Friday, we've crafted exceptional offers to help you embark on a transformative journey.
### Special Offer: Audit the College of Prophets or College of Apostleship for just $500!
At the heart of our Black Friday extravaganza is the unique opportunity to audit our esteemed College of Prophets or College of Apostleship for an incredibly SPECIAL rate of $500. This is your chance to delve into the profound teachings and insights shared by seasoned prophetic leaders, gaining valuable knowledge that can elevate your understanding of your spiritual calling and its application in the marketplace and the church.
Why Should...
This Sunday as we were pursuing God, He told me to proclaim to everyone : IT'S NOT TOO LATE.
Yep, decree this right now and commit to pursuing GOD these next 8 weeks.
Even if you feel like the PROPHETIC WORD and MANDATE over your life hasn't even manifested at the level you know it's should, you need to know without a SHADOW OF DOUBT, God says IT'S NOT TOO LATE.
Check out this 2 minute video.
Apostle Dwann
P.S. Register today for PropheticConvocation 2022
As I was inquiring of God regarding His prophetic word to the people of God for August, I heard Him say PURSUE ME.
Yes, God says in this, the 8th month Pursue ME like never before.
Pursue means to follow (someone or something) in order to catch or attack them. and it also means, continue or proceed along (a path or route).
Here's the VIDEO from Sunday where I release the word!
Apostle Dwann
I heard the Spirit of the Lord say: Tell my people SPEAK NO MORE EMPTY WORDS.
Yes, it's easy to sometimes half-heartedly allow words of confusion and calamity to come out of our mouths. But I heard God say: SPEAK NO MORE EMPTY WORDS!!
During this season, be very strategic about what you say and remember WORDS HAVE LIFE!
They either push you towards death or life.
Don't allow life's circumstances cause you to half-heartedly speak IDLE words that may have an inverse effect on your life.
Repeat after me: NO MORE EMPTY WORDS!!
But I tell you that everyone will have to give account on the day of judgment for every empty word they have spoken.
Look, I don’t care how old you are.
How much you think you haven’t done.
What I know is that it’s never too late for you to truly embrace who God has called you to be, even though others haven’t or won’t.
Your FUTURE matters.
Your DESTINY matters.
Let God FINISH what He started!!!
Apostle Dwann Holmes
One of the most challenging things in your life is to find yourself in a forced transition.
We’ve all been there!
Some are there now!
No matter how much we plan, strategize, thoroughly think it through you still find yourself in transition because of a new FORCED status of change.
Proverbs 3: 5
5Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; 6 in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.…
Apostle Dwann
As #Prophets and prophetic voices sometimes we can make things harder and more challenging than they need to be.
Everyone is not going to like you, love you or want you around.
Nor will those you call Pastor always be willing to call or anoint you Prophet, PASTOR, EVANGELIST, TEACHER or APOSTLE.
Nevertheless, you must KNOW who God has sent you on this earth to be and when it's time, you must be willing to transition to your place of destiny without apology or embarrassment.
You must come out of agreement with that false sense of loyalty and obligation that will cause you to stay in a place, church, city, ministry where you are NOT MANIFESTING HIS PURPOSE due to fear of the unknown!
You are already an APOSTOLIC CHAMPION.
Your lineage is clear!
Take the RISK and move forward as a Kingdom Prophetic APOSTOLIC VOICE!
Apostle Dwann Holmes
Founder - GICMP
God says: EMERGE with MY POWER!
As you move into new realms of become importance and prominence, God says remember it's MY POWER that is PUSHING YOU for MY GLORY!
Continue to keep ME in the FOREFRONT and KNOW as you EMERGE my GLORY shall carry you and cover you.
But you, Lord, are a shield around me, my glory, the One who lifts my head high.
Psalm 3:3
Apostle Dwann
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