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Unleash the Power of Faith and Technology - Join Us for the AI Deep Dive Webinar!


Are you ready to conquer the future with faith and technology?


We're thrilled to invite you to the highly anticipated AI Deep Dive Webinar, a follow-up to the wildly successful AI workshop and Q&A session presented at Prophetic Convocation 2023 - "Back to the Altar." We believe that the integration of faith and technology is not only possible but essential for our journey into tomorrow.

In our upcoming webinar, "AI is Not a Four Letter Word," we'll delve deeper into the realm of Artificial Intelligence, unveiling its immense potential for you, your church, and your marketplace endeavors. This is your chance to overcome fear and uncertainty and embrace the future with confidence.

Register today!!

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Prophetic Word: There Will Be A Sitting and a Settling!

π“π‘πžπ«πž 𝐰𝐒π₯π₯ π›πž 𝐚 𝐒𝐒𝐭𝐭𝐒𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚 π’πžπ­π­π₯𝐒𝐧𝐠
Psalm 46:5, Is. 61:7
As we prepare for convocation know that there will be a Sitting and a Settling. God himself will come and sit in the midst of us. So prepare yourself. Make preparation for His Presence.
When you come,
• Bring both your ideas and your insecurities
• Your dreams and your drama and trauma
• Bring your hopes and any health issues
• Bring your vision and your vices
• Bring your financial outlook and your fears
• Bring your plan for the new year and lay it at my feet, at the altar.
Bring it “ ALL” because I Am sitting and I Am Setting.
I am going to sit on your plans.
Though you are responsible to devise the plan it is My winds that will cut the path to fulfill them. My glory will shine on your plan, illuminate the direction, and order your steps in the direction of the next 10 years.
Shifts are coming in your midst, in your perspective. Expect to be placed in a new bracket that exposes you to new...

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June 7, 2022. -Prophetic Word: It's Time To Bear What You Did BARE!

You have known me, conceived, and in due time you did bare and bring forth what I put in you in the spirit.

But now, I need you to bear it, carry it, support it, sustain it, claim it, and protect it, until it fully matures.

Like a natural baby out of the womb needs care and takes time to mature to self sufficiency, so be persistent, consistent, and be patient with what I have birthed through you in the spirit.

Get to know your baby.

Don’t resent it because of the pain and struggle you think it is causing.

Give your baby what it needs to thrive. Call your baby (business, ministry, etc) out to Me by name.

Prophesy prosperity over your baby. Prophesy the phases of growth for your baby. Prophesy health, integrity, long life and lineage to your baby. I’m teaching you how to be a good steward by faith. I will give you what you need to bear this baby until it matures enough to bear you.

Bare - (yālaḏ) to cause to bring forth, to assist and tend as a midwife
Bear -...

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April 12, 2022 - Not only am I Restoring, but I am Restocking

Not only am I Restoring, but I am Restocking!

Some things were in your storehouse and were used as needed for your benefit in the last season. It wasn’t stolen, it wasn’t wasted, it was used by you for its intended purpose. Today, I am breathing on your storehouses again and I am restocking, says the Spirit of God. I am fitting you with a NEW supply and REPLENISHING what was used. Even ideas that seem dusty and on the shelf, I am REPURPOSING and REPOSITIONING them like NEW.

Additionally, like the stores restock the shelves with new merchandise, I am RESTOCKING you with NEW ideas, NEW strategies, NEW deposits, NEW contracts, NEW investors, investments and inventions, NEW patrons/customers, NEW territories, NEW products and offers, so that your storehouse will be refilled and overflowed. These things will be REGENERATING and cause income and results that are RECURRING so that one effort will produce the RESIDUAL.


I declare that there is a RESTOCKING in my life and...

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