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June 9, 2022 - Prophetic Word: Just Obey!

Don't over confuse yourself in trying to FIGURE out what God has already spoken. Stop trying to conjure up a manifestation and JUST OBEY GOD!

Your reward is in your OBEDIENCE.

Not what you THINK you're "sacrificing" for the sake of the call etc...

Here's 1 Samuel 15:22 via THE MESSAGE -  READ THE WHOLE CHAPTER

Then Samuel said, Do you think all God wants are sacrifices— empty rituals just for show? He wants you to listen to him! Plain listening is the thing, not staging a lavish religious production. Not doing what God tells you is far worse than fooling around in the occult. Getting self-important around God is far worse than making deals with your dead ancestors. Because you said No to God’s command, he says No to your kingship.

Apostle Dwann Holmes

Founder, GICMP

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June 8, 2022 - Prophetic Word: Ask Me For More

What do you see, but what more can you see? Ask Me For More more says The Lord. Ask me what you are lacking to fulfill your purpose, and I will answer. Ask Me for more dreams, and I will respond.

Ask Me for more visions, and I will share. Ask Me for more wisdom, and I will supply. Ask Me for for MORE of what matters to Me!!! You have not because you ask not. Go deeper and ask from the root of performance not from the surface.

When the root is strong, what is seen on the surface will be healthier. When you ask Me for more, you will see with greater sharpness and hear with greater clarity, but ask Me from the root. Cleanse yourself and come to Me. Strip yourself of things not of Me, then I can give you a garment of a different wear. My garment will take you deeper to reveal greater understanding of your purpose and My desire. Awake and realize you have not asked Me for what is valuable to Me but what is valuable to you. Change your perspective and ask Me according...

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June 7, 2022. -Prophetic Word: It's Time To Bear What You Did BARE!

You have known me, conceived, and in due time you did bare and bring forth what I put in you in the spirit.

But now, I need you to bear it, carry it, support it, sustain it, claim it, and protect it, until it fully matures.

Like a natural baby out of the womb needs care and takes time to mature to self sufficiency, so be persistent, consistent, and be patient with what I have birthed through you in the spirit.

Get to know your baby.

Don’t resent it because of the pain and struggle you think it is causing.

Give your baby what it needs to thrive. Call your baby (business, ministry, etc) out to Me by name.

Prophesy prosperity over your baby. Prophesy the phases of growth for your baby. Prophesy health, integrity, long life and lineage to your baby. I’m teaching you how to be a good steward by faith. I will give you what you need to bear this baby until it matures enough to bear you.

Bare - (yālaḏ) to cause to bring forth, to assist and tend as a midwife
Bear -...

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June 6, 2022 - Prophetic Word: Don't Forget The Prophetic Word Over Your Life!

As I was pondering the WORD for today, I heard God say: TELL MY PEOPLE:  DON'T FORGET WHAT I'VE SPOKEN!!

That's right.

Do not forget the PROPHETIC WORD that God has spoken and released over your life by pure prophetic vessels. Now is the time to RECALL THEM and REPOSITION YOURSELF for their MANIFESTATION.

Sometimes, due to unexpected situations in life, we FORGET what God has said. And though we are not purposely NEGLECTING what He's spoken, we do begin to NEGLECT the Word that has been spoken.

If that's you. STOP WHAT YOU ARE DOING and begin to REMEMBER!

Remember what He said!

Remember when He said it!

Remember HOW He said it!

Let that word permeate your being once again so it will awaken what needs to be awakened for DESTINY'S SAKE.


The Call of Jeremiah

The word of the Lord came to me, saying,

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew[a] you,
    before you were born I set you apart;

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June 5, 2022 -Prophetic Word for June: Your Prophetic Destiny is NOW.

A Word For The New Breed of Eagles,

The Lord showed me a vision of an eagle faced phoenix set on fire, taking flight with 7 tails and a large wing span stretched out fully. It arose out of complete darkness and hovered above the mountains.

This is the word that came to me immediately after.

Get ready for flight! Expect June to bring incredible changes. Finally You Will Exclaim! Finally! With tears of joy! Glory, Hallelujah! You will experience extreme peace and safety in your spirit and a great unlocking of potential as limitations and hindrances that have held you back for years shall be removed. 

Weeds are being removed. Alignment into your destiny, healing of emotional traumas and heart wounds and those that have struggled to get married will receive their Kingdom Spouses.

Marriage season will be shortly after!

Your Prophetic Destiny is NOW. Like a Phoenix a newness of life, out of the ashes has been birthed. The called, those that have chosen the straight and narrow path...

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As the founder of The Global Institute of Church and Marketplace Prophets I am excited to announce our new COLLABORATION with PRICE UNIVERSITY, founded by Dr. Paula Price, acclaimed author of The Prophet's Dictionary and The Prophet's Handbook and so many more thought-provoking titles.
Not only will we host LIVE classes in Jacksonville, but we are also OPEN FOR ENROLLMENT to those in ministry all over the world who are seeking a Ministry Diploma, Certification and yes, even a DEGREE. 
No matter what your 5-fold gifting, we want to help you move forward in confidence and boldness knowing you've been educated properly. Find out more about our ACADEMICS PROGRAM via our website: 
The other great NEWS is that we are able to partner with LEADERS across the world who have a vision to build your own campus with our support. And we can offer done--for-you education and credentialing programs that will only enhance your VISION, Whether you're a Pastor, Apostle or Bishop don't...
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June 4, 2022 - -Prophetic Word: I'm Still God!

Here's a simple yet profound word for today. I heard God say: TELL MY PEOPLE, "I'm still God!"

Yep, He told me to remind you that no matter what you are going through or where you find yourself at this stage in life, you need to know that INDEED God is still God!

Be encouraged today and know that He's watching over HIS Word in you to perform it.

Do your part and remember: HE'S STILL GOD!

Psalm 46:


10 He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;
    I will be exalted among the nations,
    I will be exalted in the earth.”

11 The Lord Almighty is with us;
    the God of Jacob is our fortress.

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Jun 3, 2022: Prophetic Word: You Are Chosen for the NARROW PLACE!

“Many are called, but few are chosen” (Matthew 20:16b).

And even for those chosen, I cause you to walk through a narrow place. Some of you have been wondering, why is it so tight going through? It’s a tight place, and even a hard place going through because I'm preparing you.

I'm equipping you in that place.

And in that place, I've had to strip my people, my sons, my daughters of all false things.

No fake things can go through here.

I’ve had to strip you, so that my authenticity would come forth and shine forth.

And I've been refitting you for the proper attire to wear in a tight place, in a narrow place.

Even like the swimmers and bikers that literally wear aerodynamic suiting to be able to maneuver to allow the wind to have its fullest force upon their back and to enable them to move swiftly through a tight place on a straight line, keeping in place and moving at record pace, so it is that your pace shall accelerate and you shall move, even with grace...

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June 2, 2022: Prophetic Word: Patience Is Working For Your Good!

Patience is working for your good!!!!!!
Patience-the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset.
Wait on the Lord and Wait in the Lord!!!!!!
“Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So don’t try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way.”
James 1:2-4 MSG
Overseer, Prophet Katabia Henry

Prophet Katabia Henry

Katabia Henry is a wife, mother, Prophet, Pastor, visionary, author, prophetic mentor, coach, intercessor and entrepreneur. She was called to preach the gospel in 2002 and was blessed to receive her ministerial license during that time. She was ordained in 2014 after years of dedicated service in ministry. She has served as an Associate Minister,...

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Every Prophet Needs This Teaching


For real, at the very least, watch this sample and testimonials, so you can hear more about this DYNAMIC TEACHING 

And then I want you to ask yourself this, Prophet:

1. What's your God project?

2. Are you still working your God project?

3. Or did you throw it away, because you NEEDED a miracle to get it done?

Hmmm.  Find our more: WATCH THIS VIDEO!

Then order your copy of this MASTERCLASS TODAY!


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