What are the things that call your name day and night that eat away your time to make the greatest Kingdom contributions?, says the Lord. Take hold of these matters immediately, because now is the season to evaluate what consumes your time. It is time to put all energy on souls and maturity of Believers. Testify, teach, preach, train, speak, and share what I have put in you. I will give you boldness, I will give you confidence, I will sustain and keep you, says the Lord.
-I have sent for you, but you are hesitant to go.
-I have put my Word in your mouth, but you are slow to speak it.
-I have anointed your hands, but you do little work.
I AM great and have performed marvelous works, and you know this. I AM the eternal and know all things. Nothing and no one is before or after Me. You can be confident in ALL I have charged you with. Spend your wheels wasting time NO MORE!! Speed up your yes to Me and your time will be well spent. Give an account of your time,...
God told me to tell you: "THERE IS NOT A HOLD UP!"
I AM releasing it to you without any hold up, but it is necessary that you call for it and be ready for it.
Whatever you have been asking God for, you must be ready to receive it. If you have not made provision for it, you cannot expect to produce with it. The Lord says, get ready, stay ready, and walk in readiness; for I AM releasing My Host to move in the earth like a mighty wind.
I AM releasing the abundance My people have been asking for, but they must be ready to take hold of it and manifest greater with it. The principalities have been pushed to the side and are bound by My Word for a time I have reserved for this purpose. Be diligent and steadfast in your request and in your preparation.
I AM doing this thing for you because you have cried out to Me. I have heard you and now I bring forth your answer; there is NO HOLD UP!!!
Pastor Rosemary Winbush
As a Speaker, Author, Leader, and Trainer (SALT), Rosemary has leveraged...
What do you see, but what more can you see? Ask Me For More more says The Lord. Ask me what you are lacking to fulfill your purpose, and I will answer. Ask Me for more dreams, and I will respond.
Ask Me for more visions, and I will share. Ask Me for more wisdom, and I will supply. Ask Me for for MORE of what matters to Me!!! You have not because you ask not. Go deeper and ask from the root of performance not from the surface.
When the root is strong, what is seen on the surface will be healthier. When you ask Me for more, you will see with greater sharpness and hear with greater clarity, but ask Me from the root. Cleanse yourself and come to Me. Strip yourself of things not of Me, then I can give you a garment of a different wear. My garment will take you deeper to reveal greater understanding of your purpose and My desire. Awake and realize you have not asked Me for what is valuable to Me but what is valuable to you. Change your perspective and ask Me according...
I (The Lord) have made the way clear. Your taxiing days are done. Take flight in what I AM calling you to do. You don't have to worry about debris or obstacles to damage you when you get ready to soar.
I have given you what you need and I AM the One who guides your path. I will not put you to shame when you do it in My name. I watch over My Word and My chosen and elect. I will keep you in constant flight.
Stop listening to your own voice and choose to listen to Mine. I have conquered nations, I have put to death the vipers, I have caused the sun and stars to rise and fall, I have hung the canvas of the galaxies, I AM. Put your trust in Me and not in man for he will fail you, but I cannot.
Take off the straps that hold you down, take off the fear that keeps you bound to the ground. Come up higher, so I can show you what can be. Take flight and be free to see all things from a place of greater view.
Deuteronomy 31:8 – The Lord himself will go before...
The Lord has positioned us to Weather the Storm. He has given us the stamina to deal with a difficult situation without being harmed or damaged too much. The storm will come and there may be bumps and bruises, but it will NOT take us out. You are built with grit and you are fortified. I, says The Lord, AM your strength and helper. When you feel weak, call on Me; and when you need help, I AM here. You will need this when I will send you to places you don't want to go, and when I will tell you to do things you don't want to do. But, obey Me at all costs, because your reward is great. The people are waiting on you, and I AM ready to send you. The people need help and I AM the help you will testify about.
Prepare yourself to speak quickly, because moments may be all you have. Do not be nervous or jittery. Gather yourself and I will give you the words to say. Do not think you will have the right words to say, but know that it is I Who is speaking. Remember this and you will be safe. I AM...
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