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May 20, 2022 -Prophetic Word: The Runway Is Clear For Take Off

I (The Lord) have made the way clear. Your taxiing days are done. Take flight in what I AM calling you to do. You don't have to worry about debris or obstacles to damage you when you get ready to soar.

I have given you what you need and I AM the One who guides your path. I will not put you to shame when you do it in My name. I watch over My Word and My chosen and elect. I will keep you in constant flight.

Stop listening to your own voice and choose to listen to Mine. I have conquered nations, I have put to death the vipers, I have caused the sun and stars to rise and fall, I have hung the canvas of the galaxies, I AM. Put your trust in Me and not in man for he will fail you, but I cannot.

Take off the straps that hold you down, take off the fear that keeps you bound to the ground. Come up higher, so I can show you what can be. Take flight and be free to see all things from a place of greater view.

Deuteronomy 31:8 – The Lord himself will go before...
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