Many times “prophetic ministers of the gospel” limit themselves by how they label themselves.
If your ultimate goal is “full-time” ministry, you may never reach the fullness of the capacity God has inside of you.
Unfortunately when most think and talk of “full-time” ministry, you are talking of a job inside the 4 walls of the church.
But what if God wants to bless you with your own, so that you can have the flexibility to go and come as He pleases? Is that NOT full-time ministry or are you limiting your ultimate success to being STAFF at a traditional church?
What if God sends you to a national NON-PROFIT so that you can be HIs PROPHETIC VOICE there?
Is that NOT “full-time” ministry?
Or are we so engulfed with what church society calls success in ministry that we neglect to recognize when God is already using us FULL-TIME "doing ministry" for His purpose, plan and destiny.
According to The average salaried Pastor in...
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