Join us for a time of prophetic prayer, worship and personal prophecy and WORD.
First Sundays - Clay County at THRASHER HORNE 283 COLLEGE DRIVE - Orange Park FL.
Children's church is provided!
As I was preparing for Prophetic Convocation, there were moments where I really wasn’t quite sure WHO I would invite to minister.
I knew 10 years was significant and I knew something SIGNIFICANT had to happen through out.
I was sure GOD had ORDAINED it this way, whether or NOT I knew, exactly the specific outcome.
Finally, its was time to make a decision regarding Sunday.
Normally I minister …but I kept seeing Prophet Frank Delaney!
I called him and to my surprise he was planning on coming to fellowship.
I knew he and Prophet Dion were great friends. I had seen and experienced his ministry back in April.
Nevertheless it wasn’t until I obeyed GOD and called him that I was SURE he was supposed to minister on Sunday.
And boy did he minister.
I teach a course on Prophetic Homiletics via the GICMP College of Prophets.
Sunday at Prophetic Convocation Prophet Frank was a living example of every module of my course!
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