Nevertheless here are 7 REASONS I PROPHESY

What about you? When was the last time you prophesied to someone?
When was the last time you received a personal prophecy from a Kingdom Prophet?
Here are 7 reasons I do what I do, for the people of His Kingdom.

1. I prophesy because I realize in most churches of today, no matter how spirit-filled they are, parishioners are made to feel like everything BUT a child of God when they earnestly desire one of the spiritual gifts we call prophecy.

2. I prophesy because I know now more than ever God wants to use prophetic evangelism to win souls to His Kingdom!

3. I prophesy because for far too long Psychics have been heralded as heroes because prophets of the Lord have been in hiding not bold enough to say “God says ”

4. I prophesy because I believe 5-fold ministry leaders need confirmation in order to move forth in God’s Vision for them without apology.

5. I prophesy because I believe there’s a next generation of worshipping warriors who need to know God created them exactly the way He wants them to be; with uniqueness and even peculiarity!
6. I prophesy because I believe parents need help identifying God’s divine plan and future for their children at an early age.
7. But more than anything I prophesy because God told me to and because I’m well able to do so, at anytime!
I prophesy in Christ’s name, for Christ’s sake, because anytime the Word of the Lord brings confirmation to those I minister to whether by phone or in person, God’s GLORY is revealed!