God says: " Healing is available to all when YOU are not afraid to introduce them to me. See them with My heart before you see them in the spirit. You must have My Heart to minister to the masses in this season. Observe the way I moved in the Gospel and enact it in the earth realm.
Yes, I trust you with their past and the spirits that are vexing them. Yes, I share with you the root. But with great discernment and word of knowledge, there is a greater burden of responsibility. Be willing to operate in mercy towards them. For when you see Me, you have seen the Father. For it is the Father that does the work. When they see you, they will see My Spirit in you. They will see the Father. They will see Jesus in you walking in grace, mercy, power, and dominion.
Show them the love of the Father. For the love of the Father flows with compassion for their wholeness and their complete deliverance.
Minister deliverance, healing, miracles, and prophecy through the heart of the Father.
By doing...
For real, at the very least, watch this sample and testimonials, so you can hear more about this DYNAMIC TEACHING
And then I want you to ask yourself this, Prophet:
1. What's your God project?
2. Are you still working your God project?
3. Or did you throw it away, because you NEEDED a miracle to get it done?
Hmmm. Find our more: WATCH THIS VIDEO!
Then order your copy of this MASTERCLASS TODAY!
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