Now is not the time to be caught up in what you feel. Because your feelings can lie to you, this is not the time to be caught up in what you see because your perception may cloud your vision. This is not the time to be caught up in what you hear because the things you hear may cause doubt to come upon you.
My sons and daughters, I am speaking of the natural realm. There will continue to be things that come across media to get you to feel, see, and hear what the enemy of your soul wants to feed you. Yes, I want you to be in tune with what is happening around you. And yes, I, the Lord your God, want you watching and praying. And yes, I want you declaring and decreeing. Yes, I want you to use the authority that I have given you on the earth, says the spirit of the living God.
I need my intercessors arising to new levels. I need my prayer warriors ready for battle. I need my prophets ready to utter my words in the earth. I need you praying against riots across the globe. Riots will cause...
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