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Prophetic Word for July 2022 - (Video) - "I WILL UPGRADE YOU!"




God is doing in this season. I, in July, I believe I heard God say, I will upgrade you. If you allow me, somebody need to write that one down. Oh my goodness. I will upgrade you if you, oh my goodness. There it is. If you allow me all right, because when, whenever it's time for an upgrade, you've gotta allow some things. Are you hearing me to be, uh, undone in order for God, to what upgraded, just think about the systems of your phone. When they say it's time for an upgrade, you gotta make sure that it's plugged into the right socket. You gotta make sure you got enough wifi on. And then they say, guess what? We about to erase some stuff. But after we erase it, guess what we're about to do. We're about to download some stuff so that you can be upgraded to the new system.


Who am I talking to today? And so I heard God say that in this month of July, as we are moving forth, I heard God say it's time for an upgrade. Tell my people that I'm about to upgrade them. If they allow me to, because see, when you allow God to do something, that means you say no to your will. And you say yes to his will. And sometimes his will, oh my goodness will cause you to feel uncomfortable. His will will cause you to wanna fight and scream. His will will cause you to want to give up. Sometimes when, you know, without a shadow of a doubt that God has caused you to a certain place space and a people. But God says in this season, he said, I'm about to upgrade you. If you, what if you allow me see, see in this pandemic season, hallelujah, where the stock market is going down.


Oh my goodness. And where it appears as though people are losing things, losing money, losing wealth. Uh, there are some people who are going to AMAs well, BEC wealth, because they're what, allowing God to upgrade them. And so in the midst of your upgrade, you've gotta be able to come out of fear and you've gotta come out of agreement with the things in your past. That will cause you to have a painful future in this season. You've gotta say no to some stuff from the past and no to some things that wouldn't allow you to upgrade, because if we admit it to ourselves, we all have to understand that we have some relationships that wouldn't allow us to upgrade Uhhuh. When we take the time to really think about upgrade in our life and where God has brought us from and where we're going to, we all have to take the time to admit that there are sometimes that there are people and spaces in our life that don't, uh, that, that don't, uh, aren't, aren't conducive to us being able to flourish Uhhuh because see, see, see, see, see, there are some times where, where God wants you to flourish, but if you're connected to the wrong vine, if you're connected to the wrong people, if you're connected to the wrong space, hallelujah, there are just some things that are not about to happen in your life because the thing isn't conducive to what God wants to do.


So, so, so, so you need to be in a space and a place and around people who are conducive to upgrade. Let, let, let me give you a definition of upgrade. Just so you really understand what I'm talking about. Upgrade is an incline going up in the direction of movement. Upgrade is an incline in direction. Oh my goodness. Uh, up going up in the what direction of movement. Oh my goodness. A, another definition says it's an increase or improvement. So, but so what that tells me is I can't be improved if I can't move, I can't expect improvement. If I don't go in the direction of the right movement, who am I talking to today? Cause you know, you got some people around, you play, play folk who be thinking they moving. And all they doing is busy, busy stuff. Y y'all been around people. You're like, wait a minute. What did you get done in the last 10 days? Well, I've been shuffling things back and forth, not making any progress, but God says, in order for me to upgrade you, you've got to allow me to inclined you to move you up in a direction of my movement.


Uhhuh God's movement, Uhhuh his, his, his divine movement. Uhhuh. See some of you gotta ask yourself, God, where are you taking me? And where have I refused to go in the, in the past? Cause God says, uh, the other thing that you have to understand is is in with an upgrade, there tends to be a new version or an improved model. See, in order for God to upgrade you, you've gotta Willy really be willing to allow him to give you a new model in life. That means there are some old things that he's gotta remove from you. And there are gonna be some times when people look at you and say, well, who do you think that you are? And you've gotta say, oh no, I'm an upgraded version of who I used to be. So now you're being introduced to the new model that God has for me. Upgrade somebody say, upgrade me, God, upgrade me. Oh, did I? My, or did they be, upgrade me, upgrade me. And so, uh, an upgrade is an increase or improvement of one's service, ah, services, Uhhuh Uhhuh. So if we look at that in a spiritual, uh, perspective as well, that means that God's about to upgrade you in his service to him.


See some of y'all been so concerned about service to each other and service to man that you forgot. The real reason that your place on this earth is to serve and to worship him. Well, how do I serve and worship him? I serve and worship him according to what he's assigned me to do. But if I get so caught up in what others are doing and not what he's assigned me to do, there's a high likelihood that I'll never walk into my destiny. And I'll never walk into my upgraded, improved model or season. Why? Because I'm stuck like Chuck in a non improving environment where I don't know his will for my life. And I don't know whether I'm coming or going. I don't know God, if you told me to go here or there, I don't know why I step foot here in GPL. I don't know why I'm watching online. The devil is a lie. You know why? Cuz you need something new, right? You need something new. If you come up in here, you need something new. <laugh> you come up in here. You need the frankness of God's, uh, communication. If you come up in here, you might need you, you, you may need a little bit of love, but you might also need a lot of deliverance. Amen. You come up in here. We about to say shame the devil today and come on out. Amen.


Upgrade can y'all y'all y'all ever seen, you know, y'all know we all know some people like I will keep my phone forever. Y'all already know that I, I keep my phone until the, until they end cuz I'm so connected to this thing. I don't wanna have to learn anything new or anything. And I don't like those big old phones. So I waited for iPhone to get the smallest version of the same version to of the upgrade before I upgraded y'all y'all know people like that, but special folk, special folk because we understand there's such a capacity on us and what God has called and assigned us to do that. Anytime I get ready to go to a new level of upgrade, it's gonna take a while. Whenever I go into


At and T and they look at my phone, they be like, wait a minute, this doesn't even make sense. How do you have this many people on your phone? We that the stuff that they think can't happen can happen. Stuff that they've never seen before is on my phone. Are you hearing what I'm saying today? So, so that's why once I get my stuff together, I'm not, I'm not ready to move until I know I'm giving God another. Yes, for the next level that he's taken me to. Amen. And that means when I con, when I commit to an upgrade on my phone, I'm committing to a new system are y'all hearing me today. See some folks don't wanna commit to the new system. I know what it takes to commit to my new system, because that means I got F more than 5,000 contacts and all that. That's gotta be transferred over. Are you hearing me? That means I gotta, I got like how many computer systems and all that, that need to be updated. And then I y'all know. I don't wanna do it. So then I gotta ask them, can I bring all my, can, can you do this right here? Or what do I need to do? Are y'all hearing me today? Somebody say, upgrade me, God upgrade me.


So, so, so the other thing that needs to happen when you're, when you're saying, God, upgrade me is, guess what? You need a new mindset and don't let the world feel fool. You don't let Christian fool you cuz now Christian is saying what's all this mind. Talk, talk about mind, talk, look, God can give us a new mind. Amen. Amen. We just want the mind of Christ and just, you know, what goes around, comes around and there's nothing new under the sun and everything that everybody is saying is found right there in the book. Amen. Are you hearing me? It's in the Bible, 90% of the stuff that they're talking about in the Bible, they just giving it some new terms and putting some new stuff on it. Y'all know that se the secret. That's nothing, but that was the kingdom. I was like, wait, this is a kingdom secret. What they're saying? Let me not get too deep for y'all. Y'all understand it's in the word. Amen. You just gotta know. People are flipping the script on the word, trying to make something out of it. So you have to have good sense. And, and you gotta know when to say no to stupid stuff are y'all hearing me. You gotta know when to say yes to what God wants to do in your life. Yes. This is a season of upgrade. Yes. I need God to upgrade me. Yes. I need God to rejuvenate my mind. Yes. I need the mind of Christ. Yes.


I need a new attitude. Hallelujah. So God says I'm, I'm about to upgrade you if you allow me.




And so he told me to ask you these three questions. If you taking notes, it's a good place to take notes next time, you know, we'll have it up on the screen so y'all can screen, try to, oh, but y'all can see it online. Hallelujah. Number one. What are you believing God to upgrade?


And that's not even real deep. Cuz most of us have been believing God for upgrade every week. You'd be like, oh my God, help me today. I need this. I need to upgrade in my gas, my money, all that. All right. So number one, what are you believing God to upgrade? Number two. How are you positioning yourself for his upgrade? Mm Uhhuh <affirmative> how are you positioning yourself for his upgrade? Oh my goodness. And last but not least. Number three. How are you positioning your ministry and your mandate for his upgrade? And let me break it down.


If you alive today and you on the earth today, there's a high likelihood that there's a ministry on the inside of you. Amen. It's not just about us sitting here at the, at the pool pit. Amen. 90% of the people of God are ministers in the marketplace and ministers somewhere else. Amen. Amen. There's a whole pond and lake of fish. You are assigned to amen that are not inside the church. Amen. So the question is how are you positioning your ministry and your mandate for upgrade? And some of y'all like, wait a minute. What do you mean? I got a mandate. I got a mandate. And I'm called to these pews. I, I got a mandate and I'm not called to preach. I've got a mandate or yeah, you gotta, you gotta begin to ask yourself God, what is, what is the reason that I'm still here? And if you have allowed me to be here, God, what is not just my ministry to you, but what is my mandate in the earth realm? <affirmative> mm. What have you called and assigned me to do? And what do I need to do so that you can upgrade me?


Oh, we heard a little, we heard several OOS in the house. Oh my goodness. I, I, I assume y'all are oing online as well. Amen. Hallelujah. Somebody say, upgrade me, God, upgrade me. Upgrade. Mm-hmm <affirmative> upgrade me, upgrade me. So God says, this is a season of upgrade. It's a season of upgrade where you better know what I've called you to so that I can upgrade because there are gonna be some things that you have to say no to. There are gonna be some things that you have to say yes to, and they need to line up with your mandate. Amen. Amen. So, so, so we're praying for your upgrade today. Oh my goodness. God is good. <foreign> we're praying for your upgrade today. And we're praying for your positioning today. Positioning mm-hmm <affirmative> I'm telling you if in the next 30 X, 30 to 60 days, you can figure out your positioning. Then you'll really be able to walk in his upgrade. Amen. Because, because some of you, you gonna get awaken next week and you're gonna be like, oh, this is what she was talking about. I need an, I need an upgrade from this situation. I need a new positioning in this situation. I, I, I need to turn some things around that I've been looking at from the wrong viewpoint.


Somebody say, upgrade me, God, upgrade me. Oh my goodness. Upgrade me. Cause see. Now the other thing that, that that happens is we believe God for upgrade, but then we don't wanna come into agreement with the new systems of upgrade. Amen. So, so you gotta think about that. And I, and I'm so glad that God gives us a practical example. The most practical example I can tell you is, look at your phone. Think about all the junk that has to happen. Every time you get ready to do an upgrade and stuff, that's not connected. You can't find all of the above. I don't care whether you got the Android or iPhone. There's some things that need to happen in your system, in our systems. Amen. Amen. Hallelujah. Somebody say, upgrade me, upgrade me. Let me give you a sidebar of a upgrade to y'all know.


Last year I wore, I wore my sequin converse, busted disgusted shoes that I love. Amen. I hadn't had 'em on for like a year, at least. And I guess it looked like it. Next thing you know, I got people coming to my house, bringing me some tennis shoes. <laugh> so I said, I said, oh, they must wanna upgrade me. Look at this. This is God, but I'm still wearing my Quin shoes. What I feel like and amen. But thank God for y'all that sets up that's you need people in your life who are willing to upgrade you. Amen. I was like, what kind of shoes are these? They got Autumn's like, dude are supposed to be some air or something. And they feel like you're walking on air. What? In the world? Let me let, I don't even know what, what they're called. I'm like, okay, thank you. Besides Nikes. Amen. Hallelujah. And then they got these designs on this, these shoes nowadays. I don't know. When's the last time I've had a pair of Nikes. <laugh> if you were like, Hmm, I just wear Angela SCOs <laugh> amen. And uh, these are some start where they am something, you know, I just get what? Yeah, no. Yeah. Anyway. God is good. I like shoes. Amen. My shoes give people life. Amen. That's what I hear. All right. So that's good. Somebody say, upgrade me.


Let's pray. Now, now look, we're gonna pray about upgrade first. Amen. Amen. Amen. Y'all gotta receive your upgrade today. And, and if you're here today and you're receiving this message, I don't care if you're watching online and it's a replay you're watching lie wherever you're watching YouTube, Facebook, wherever. Um, God wants to upgrade you, but you gotta receive his upgrade. Mm mm mm mm. And I want you to think about, uh, the thing, the top three things that, you know, God wants to upgrade in your life. Now the word says, he'll give you the desires of your heart as well, but, but you gotta be in position for that to happen. Amen. Amen. There are some prerequisites to, to you getting the desires of your heart. And the most of it is just, can you be obedient to God? The reward is in the obedience.


Amen. The reward is in you giving God another. Yes. Amen. Amen. Hallelujah. So we're praying for upgrade today. And then after we pray for upgrade, we're gonna pray for our faith. Amen. We're praying for faith this week. Next week, we're praying for our families. The following week, we're praying for our finances. And then next, the, the following after that, we're putting it all together. Uh, the fifth Sunday prophet CTAA will be back, uh, praying, uh, prop sign, preaching, doing all, whatever God tells her to do. Amen. Amen. Hallelujah. Let's pray. Just pray in the spirit right now. Just receive somebody. Uh, just begin to, you know what? Take time to examine yourself right now, where you are and where you need an upgrade in your life. And I want you to just begin to decree over your life. Another yes. Come on, come on. Just prophesy over your, your life today. Come on. Say I give God another. Yes. I give you another. Yes. I give him another. Yes. I give him another. Yes. I give you another. Yes. Hallelujah. I give you another. Yes. Smiling. LJA I give you another. Yes. And because you, we say yes, God, because your children are saying, yes,


God, we give you permission to upgrade us. God, we give you permission to upgrade every area of our life. Oh God, the areas that we've covered up. The areas


That we thought we could hold on to those places and spaces that are dear to our heart and dear to our soul and our spirit. God, we give you permission to upgrade us. God, we give you permission God, to clean out our systems, to, to, to take out everything that needs to be taken out of our lives. God, to take out all the residue of past pain, the residue, oh my goodness of circumstances and situations that didn't fare well with us, the residue of trauma. God, we thank you for getting rid of that. And we give you permission God to take those old systems out so that you can replace 'em with your new divine system of upgrade. God, we say, this is the season that we want your upgrade, that we need your upgrade. God, we say, upgrade us today. God we say, upgrade me, come on, say that outta your mouth. Upgrade me, upgrade me, upgrade me. God. We give you permission to upgrade us hallelujah. In the name of Jesus, God, upgrade our faith and upgrade our family and upgrade our finances God, on today, we thank you. Hallelujah. Hallelujah that our faith is being upgraded.




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