"I AM calling My sons and My daughters to BE WITH ME. Be with Me so I can strengthen and prepare you for a great impartation. What I say is not always what you want to hear but hear Me now.
I AM restless and weary in waiting for you to come to Me. I have loved you as no one else can do, but you still turn away from Me. I have blessed you with treasures you have not opened, but you are unaware. I have prepared the way for you, but you have not taken the step because of fear. I have sent you signs, wonders, and miracles, but you do not receive them as they were sent from Me and from Heaven. I have desired to feed you manna from heaven, bread that gives life, and waters that quench your thirst, but you have refused to eat and drink.
Will you sit with Me, will you receive from Me, will you honor Me, will you accept and love Me, will you surrender all that you have known and all of what the world offers, so that I can bless you in ways you cannot imagine.
Let go and let Me be your I AM. I AM more than what you can imagine, I AM more that you can comprehend. I AM all you need because I AM that I AM."
As a Speaker, Author, Leader, and Trainer (SALT), Rosemary has leveraged her faith, ministry and business expertise, and prophetic gift to Build Better Lives. Rosemary has worked and served in ministry and in business for more than 30 years. She is gifted in helping others reach their maximum potential through self-evaluation, developing directional tracks, and producing results that yield success. As a former Children and Preteen Pastor for over 19 years, she has written published curriculum for children and preteen ministry and has built and led teams of more than 250 volunteers with specialized leadership roles. She has authored spiritually based help books, produced inspirational healing and affirmation albums, written articles for highly visible spiritually based magazines, and created marriage relationship building tools to help transform lives. Rosemary has ministered globally and presented on numerous podcasts, radio shows, and at national conferences. She is the founder and host of the BEST Me project for elementary age students, The7Movement biblical studies project for women, and the co-founder of the Children's Ministry International Prayer Initiative. Rosemary is a trainer and coach to individuals, companies, and families. She and her husband, Wyman, are owners of Kairos International and WRW International, LLC, two companies committed to educating, empowering, and inspiring others to achieve divine success. To find out more about what Rosemary has to offer, visit her website at
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